Monday, March 16, 2009

Meghan McCain. Fair?... No!... FAT!!

Meghan McCain, daughter of John McCain and herself a Republican, finally said what everyone was thinking about Ann Coulter:

"I straight up don't understand this woman or her popularity. I find her offensive, radical, insulting, and confusing all at the same time."

Meghan appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show, confirming her beliefs as a Republican, yet her disbelief at and disgust with Ann Coulter.

Enter Laura Ingraham, conservative. On her radio show she responded to Meghan McCain by... making fun of her weight. Damn, that's some classy, family values kind of material to toss out... If your family is all fourth-grade girls!

It's incredibly hard for earnest, honest Republicans (and there are MANY) to rise above the stigma and reputation of their party being the playland of rich white guys when a) the first black chairman can't catch a break from his own party b) a blowhard like Rush Limbaugh is seen as the foundation of the party c) their leaders in Congress offer no alternatives to the Dem's proposals, only obstructionism d) women of note in the party attack one of their own who stated a fair opinion and use her WEIGHT as a nasty word-weapon.

You've come a long way... baby.


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